Malware Traffic Analysis Dot Net Series ASCOLIMITED (Video Only)
01 May 2021
The writeups will be a series to document my learning experience with Wireshark and IR report writing for the malicious traffic from Malware-Traffic-Dot-Net, hope you will enjoy it :)
Note, this series will be video only :)
Malware Traffic Analysis Dot Net Series ASCOLIMITED Video Walkthrough
LAN segment data :
LAN segment range : 10.2 . 8.0 / 24 ( 10.2 . 8.0 through 10.2 . 8.255 )
Domain : ascolimited . com
Domain controller : 10.2 . 8.2 - AscoLimited - DC
LAN segment gateway : 10.2 . 8.1
LAN segment broadcast address : 10.2 . 8.255
My IR Report
Executive Summary :
At 2021 - 02 - 08 15 : 59 : 12 UTC , the user bill . cook on the workstation MGVG60Z was infected by the malwares .
Victim :
IP : 10.2 . 8.101
Hostname : DESKTOP - MGVG60Z . ascolimited . com
MAC : Source : DESKTOP - MGVG60Z . ascolimited . com ( 00 : 12 : 79 : 41 : c2 : aa ) - HP Workstation
Account Name : bill . cook
IP :
198.211 . 10.238
213.5 . 229.12 - satursed . com
54.235 . 147.252 - elb097307 - 934924932 . us - east - 1 . elb . amazonaws . com
8.208 . 10.147 - roanokemortgages . com
185.100 . 65.29 - sweyblidian . com
162.241 . 149.195 - key . xn -- nvigators - key - if2g . com
45.124 . 85.55 - tonmatdoanminh . com
- https : //
Hash :
94 e60de577c84625da69f785ffe7e24c889bfa6923dc7b017c21e8a313e4e8e1 - 6 lhjgfdghj . exe
e519c1e99f21fbc6754e2ed9ef38a12684d506617229b4ca87fcff86f6838250 - 6 Aov
ee33a8fa2ae6f6b9366c97ed4c00c2796d98a371249dca725a01aca03caf747b - 0801 . bin
7 af0dc117d2dcd112f50889c4c8a14ac9ee55c2525a24fa66ff9a89b480b7e99 - 0801 s . bin
Wireshark Cheatsheet
Wireshark Cheatsheet